- Population 10 350 000 (2020)
- About "Allemansrätten" The right about public access.
- How Sweden is governed
- The Royal Family
More is coming..
For fun
- The DON'Ts of Sweden. Fun movie about differences.
- IKEA- names of their products
- Sweden calling
- Why Sweden celebrating Christmas 24th of December
Although some Christmas traditions differ between Sweden, Norway, and Denmark – all three Scandinavian countries celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December. Their Nordic neighbor Finland also celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve.
So why do the Nordic countries celebrate Christmas a day earlier than most other countries?
It is, in fact, a part of the Nordic culture to celebrate most holidays on the eve of. The reason for this is the way the Nordic countries used to measure time and dates. Based on ancient ways of counting time, a day would typically start after sundown. More specifically at 6 pm, according to the Swedish Church. - Typical Swedish food