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Here you will find the trips we arrange in Sweden. We want to show you both the historical part, but also how we live in Sweden today.

We have two different package tours as you can see below

If you (one or more) want our help with a special trip, for example looking for your relatives, we will be happy to help. Or if you are a separate group that wants to have its own trip, we can of course arrange that as well.

Swedish Genealogy & Culture Trip US

Welcome to Sweden - This is the trip for you who want to experience and find out more about Sweden, while at the same time you get the opportunity to learn more about genealogy and perhaps specifically get on with your own family history. The Trip begins in Gothenburg. We walk down “Sill...

The Great Sweden Trip

Experience some of Sweden's most famous areas with us: Gothenburg City, Västergötland, Småland, Dalarna and Stockholm, the Capital of Sweden We travel in Västergötland, called by some people “the cradle of Sweden", here you will see ancient buildings and the beautiful landscape. Visit Småland with...

Group/Family special

Are you a group/company/family that wants to have its own travel arrangement? You might want to find your relatives, visit a certain part of Sweden. Or attend a special event. Contact us and we will be happy to help. We have good local knowledge and a lot of contacts. +4670276942...

  • Vi bevakar branschgemensamma frågor och påverkar riksdag, regering och offentliga myndigheter när det gäller utredningar och lagförslag.
Contact us
Saxentours AB
Skattegårdsgatan 5